Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What do you think?

Do you guys think that a woman who likes having her feet massaged is weird?

I love the idea of coming home from work, kicking off my shoes, and having my loving boyfriend come over and massage my socked feet. =]

Is this a normal desire, or am I losing my marbles?

What do you think?
ha ha girl i love having my feet messaged with no socks an some lotion oh how great it is, i go to get pedicures, an go to the do this chianeese special foot rub, as a matter of fact i got one earlier an it was sooooo relaxing!!! wish i had a man to do it everyday lol therefore i can save my money lol!!!
Reply:Everyman will be different, so I guess every relationshipw ill be different.... So I think your man may think it%26#039;s sexy for chicks to have their feet massaged
Reply:no its not weird i mean like ur feet hurt so bad u want them massaged. ilove having my feet massaged.
Reply:I think it%26#039;s normal. I like a girl who enjoys walking around in socked feet, and I%26#039;m usually eager to give massages. :)
Reply:yeah its normal
Reply:No it is not weird, it is perfectly normal. I love having my feet massaged and no one sees me as weird.

I too love coming home from work and putting my bare feet up and having my fiance` come and massage them of his own free will, I do not even need to ask.

There is little else more relaxing than having a foot massage. But I would recommend a barefoot massage, it feels better.
Reply:Could be a foot fetis, or you just like to be pampered. In any case it is normal.
Reply:i think its normal. but i hate feet so if ur man does it hes a keeper lol
Reply:Not weird at all my girlfriend wants me to do that all the time
Reply:no that%26#039;s not strangew, it%26#039;s a ******** sexy intimate thing.....and lucky you if you can find a guy that will do it.....but just be sure and return the favor......i always massage the feet of anyone i%26#039;m with and it really turns most of them well as feeling soooo yummy......nothing like coming home from work and stretching out on the couch and propping your feet in my lap and getting a good foot rub.....and alot of times it%26#039;s nice to do each other at the same time.......hehehehehehe....and it%26#039;s not hard to start rubbing up the legs from there and we know what that leads to don%26#039;t we? long as they%26#039;re clean anyway......i can%26#039;t do it to someone who has dirty feet, but if they take care of themselves it%26#039;s a wonderful thing......
Reply:I love giving my wife massages, be it foot or otherwise. I like being able to help her relax and enjoy a brief respite from the day. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Definitely promotes togetherness and provides some quality shared time.


What Do You Think?

Do you guys think that a woman who likes having her feet massaged is weird?

I love the idea of coming home from work, kicking off my shoes, and having my loving boyfriend come over and massage my feet.

Is this a normal desire, or am I losing my marbles?

What Do You Think?
Everyone Likes a foot massage. It doesn%26#039;t matter if you are male or female. The question is do you find it erotic? If so Freud would say you have an oedipus complex and are in love with your mother.
Reply:Woman are you crazy? Whats wrong with that? Personally i wish i could have my feet rubbed everytime i came home from work. Theres nothing wrong withthat and whoever told u that it was wierd has issues. Ciao.
Reply:It%26#039;s normal. Although %26quot;normal%26quot; is subjective.

Find a guy who will do it everyday. Some will not. Some will love it.

And if you really feel weird about it, just get a foot massager at Brookstone or something.
Reply:That is completely normal.....I like giving my girlfriend a foot massages because she walks all day at work
Reply:This is wonderful. I love it. I mean I love doing it. Massaging feet is a wonderful thing. It not only does its job of relaxing muscles but also brings people closer temperamentally and strengthens understanding and binds together.
Reply:Why would this be considered weird, who wouldn%26#039;t want their feet massaged.
Reply:your marbles have left the building
Reply:if you like your feet touch then it%26#039;s fine but not good for me i hate my feet touched. if your man likes to do it then it%26#039;s fine. my b/f likes to but i yell at him i tell him i have other body parts he can rub on
Reply:It is cool! I would love to have my feet massaged more often but unfotunately I have this terrible smelling feet problem... so hardly any guy would want to touch my stinkers.
Reply:losing your marble : \......srry %26quot;-_-


Would you like to have a personal maid at your wedding?

I think family and friends (bridal party) tend to stress our the bride. I would love to have a personal maid pamper me and wait on me hand and foot the day of the wedding. I think it adds to the whole princess idea. For me I would use a maid to fetch me drinks, help me dress, paint my nails, give me relaxing massages and help me with my shoes.

What do you think? What would you do if you had someone like this?

Would you like to have a personal maid at your wedding?
If she was cuter than the bride, I%26#039;d probably do her.

Seriously though, are you filthy rich? Aren%26#039;t your parents going to pay an arm and a leg for the wedding anyway?

If you want that kind of service, tell one of your friends not to buy anything for you and just volunteer to be your ***** for the day instead.
Reply:I would rather have a butler, sort of like a male dancer, doing my will at my wedding.. especially painting my toes and giving me some massages ....
Reply:What do you think? What would you do if you had someone like this????????... That is your Question???.. Well if i was him i would RUN, very Bizarre to Me!
Reply:I wouldn%26#039;t want a stranger in the way of me interacting with my friends and family. It seems very impersonal. If you have good friends and family, they will take care of all of these needs for you, and with lots of love.
Reply:Methinks that%26#039;s what the Maid of Honor and bridesmaids are for. That%26#039;s what I did as Maid of Honor and that%26#039;s what I had my bridesmaids do for me when the time came. As far as family and friends stressing out the bride, nope. She did it to herself by wanting such a big huge wedding. Notice grooms never seem to need such help. They are old enough to dress themselves:) Not to mention brides that need that much attention are very high maintenance, vain, and materialistic. Grooms should run from women like that.

car audio

Do I have a job? What do you think?

I am a mom, maid, personal shopper of 5, housekeeper (laundry included), tailor, chauffer, personal planner, babysitter, pet sitter, pet groomer,secretary, girl friday, barber, pool girl ,lifeguard, plumber, lawn care technician, landscaper, cook, nutritionist, nurse, doctor, clinical psychologist, motivational speaker, educational advisor, tutor, karate coach, geriatric consultant, spiritual leader, carpenter, photographer, computer consultant, carpet cleaner, dental assistant, tooth fairy, handmaid, botanist, mechanic, painter, interior designer, answering service, telephone directory assistant, massage therapist, closet organizer, detective, cobbler (shoe repair), gofer, taste tester to name a few! Here%26#039;s cheers to YOU MOMS who do it all! God bless ya!

Do I have a job? What do you think?
I hear you. It would be nice if we started getting paid in more than dirty laundry, torn clothes, wild kids, pets that pee on the carpet, and grumpy husbands!
Reply:Great Question!

No, you don%26#039;t have a %26quot;job%26quot;, but you do have an occupation. It is called Mother. And it is the hardest %26quot;job%26quot; out there, one which many people take for granted, others just don%26#039;t understand, and still others refuse to even respect. I too say CHEERS to YOU MOMS who do it all. We do it for the right reasons and we are strong because we don%26#039;t let the naysayers question our motives, our choices, or our futures.

Hugs, mamas!!
Reply:You have a job. What sucks is you work all day. You don%26#039;t get any time off. Nobody ever tells you what a good job you are doing, and you don%26#039;t even get paid. I solute you and all the other moms out there.
Reply:Yeah, we all do that, plus many of us work too!!
Reply:do you make any money ? if not you have a life style
Reply:Conratz! You can do it all
Reply:remember, YOU signed on for it, so you don%26#039;t deserve a pat on the back for it
Reply:wow. u are a volunteer
Reply:i do all that, and have 2 part time jobs
Reply:check this link its good


Reply:you sound like you are some sort of princess you probably don%26#039;t need a job
Reply:Yep. I have the same one as you. You have your H.D.E. Master%26#039;s Degree which you can proudly put after your name. Your official title is______(your name), H.D.E.

Household, Domestic, Engineer.
Reply:lol : )~

Thanks you brightened my day and at the same time made me realize I need a raise!!


Would you like to have a personal maid at your wedding?

I think family and friends (bridal party) tend to stress our the bride. I would love to have a personal maid pamper me and wait on me hand and foot the day of the wedding. I think it adds to the whole princess idea. For me I would use a maid to fetch me drinks, help me dress, paint my nails, give me relaxing massages and help me with my shoes.

What do you think? What would you do if you had someone like this?

Would you like to have a personal maid at your wedding?

MY MOM!!!!
Reply:You would really be losing a lot of the wedding day fun without your friends and family helping you to get ready.
Reply:No, it%26#039;s a stupid idea. Choose another line of work.
Reply:No I would not like it. Thats why you have a bridal party. Also, you dont have tons of time to get massages, etc. the day of the wedding. Its better to do that a day or two before the wedding.
Reply:it%26#039;s your wedding day, not a princess party. you%26#039;re bridal party is supposed to help you with all that stuff anyway.
Reply:I love the idea but maybe more for a Bridal Shower or Bachlorette party instead.
Reply:Thats part of what the bridal party does, they help you get ready.

Personally I would send them to clean my house instead. I dont want strangers seeing me change and it would make me uncomfortable constantly ordering someone around like that and tying my shoes like I was 5.

If your bridal party is stressing you out you need to rethink your choice of bridesmaids. I love being around my two girls so definately no stress there.
Reply:Personally, I would have liked this idea. I didn´t like asking for help, and never have, and if I would have hired someone, I would have felt more comfortable. My sister ended up going to McDonald´s for everyone, and I felt bad. The other sister didn´t show up to help until the limo showed up. After the wedding, I heard one of my sisters say that she was %26quot;over it%26quot; meaning she had enough of doing things for the bride, and it really hurt at the time, although I can see why she didn´t like it.

When I look at pictures, there was something wrong with the positioning at the back of my dress-it was completely wrong after the limo ride, so if you are thinking about offering this service, be there for brides before they walk down the aisle, since no one bothered to check the back of me.
Reply:It%26#039;s sounds like a fun idea, but I would really feel sorry for the maid.
Reply:That would be cutting out all the fun. You should be pampered with all the girls sometime before the wedding. Have a girls day out. Your bridesmaids are to there to help you dress on the big day. :)


Women Only!!!?

I love women%26#039;s feet and I love to massage, paint, smell, kiss and Hug women%26#039;s feet. Everywhere I go I want to massage women%26#039;s feet. I also love women%26#039;s shoes. What can I do?

Women Only!!!?
Work at a women%26#039;s shoe store or become a pedicurist
Reply:thats just weird.
Reply:no comment
Reply:come on over baby!!!!! LOL I could use a good foot rub!!!!
Reply:I wish my partner was in to that! I love getting my feet massaged and tickled. I%26#039;d also love it if he was into women%26#039;s shoes. Especially if he bought me shoes to wear around him. And if he painted my toe nails as well? Sounds great to me!!!! If you are single maybe you should just get a girlfriend that loves receiving what you love doing. Good luck!
Reply:well get a girlfriend for one..because just walking up to someone and asking them if you can touch their feet is just

if you get a girlfriend then you can play with her feet all you want
Reply:You could go to cosmetology or nail tech shool and become a licensed pedicurist! Why not do something you LOVE and make money at the same time! I would NOT recommend kissing your clients%26#039; feet. That could end up in a huge lawsuit!
Reply:I think that you should find someone that love there feet and want to take care of her feet. Or find someone that dont mind it.
Reply:no life...
Reply:Get therapy
Reply:find a woman who likes all that done to her feet.
Reply:pray 2 god u dont get a women with smelly hairy feet lol
Reply:Get a job as a shoe salesman and moonlight in a Nail Care place giving pedicures or better yet open your own place and specialize in taking care of women%26#039;s feet.
Reply:become a padiatrist
Reply:be a musoose they make big bucks or get a gf
Reply:Sell shoes.
Reply:Collect toe-jams and knit a ski mask.
Reply:I love your feet
Reply:Find a woman who will let you do that to them and marry them. They are out there. Good luck!
Reply:I have soft %26amp; pretty feet. And my toenails are always polished. You%26#039;d sure have fun. And I love massages of any kind.
Reply:get a gf and massage her feet
Reply:Get a job or go to collage if you did.. For massaging feet.

best of luck

Reply:You have a foot fetish. Just get yourself a girlfriend that is understanding of this. Then again, what woman wouldn%26#039;t love getting a foot rub and a pedi?

If you got it real bad, you could always work at a shoe store or in a nail salon?

Good luck!
Reply:What can you do but accept it?? Girl love it when guys treat them good, so massage your gf%26#039;s feet!! =)
Reply:Buy yourself a maniqui and you will have those feet everyday for you to lick, hug massage and even sleep with them.
Reply:Go to a support group for people w/ feet fetishes, and get nasty w/ someone.


K so this girl doesnt like me and knows that i like this on?

K so I%26#039;m 14 and in 9th grade and I like this guy. We%26#039;re kinda friends.

So theres this girl at my school and shes more popular than me and stuff and already has a boyfriend. We used to be like best friends but something happened and now she hates me (dont wanna talk about it)

So She found out I like this guy, and friday was %26quot;dress for success%26quot; day were we dress up and stuff and do mock job interviews. We were all done and waiting in an empty classroom and she asked the friend of the guy I like to massage her foot cuz they hurt from her shoes and then asked him to get the guy I like to do the other one.

Is she trying to get at me or is she just a big flirt, or does she really like him?

I know kinda confusing but any answers?

K so this girl doesnt like me and knows that i like this on?
shes being a big flirt to try and get to you, if she has a boyfriend i wouldn%26#039;t worry about it, but if i were you id try and talk to her boyfriend..while shes watching
Reply:she%26#039;s damn mean..,.u were her friend... its ok... so tell ur bf u like him as soon as possible coz it shount be too late... and tell him that what this female really intends... love him if he%26#039;s worth it... u re just 14
Reply:She%26#039;s prolly getting back @ u.

Drama time.

watch out.
Reply:u can%26#039;t know if she likes u if u didnt ask her

plz help;...
Reply:She likes attention and she probably wanted to get at you. Sounds inappropriate to me, as you all were doing interviews.
Reply:i%26#039;ve been through thos she%26#039;s most likely trying to to get at you
Reply:she is prob just a big flirt and since she knows you like him, and doesnt like you, is turning the flirting up a level. dont let her get to you. girls do bit.chy things like this all the time. shes just trying to get under your skin.
Reply:shes a ****
Reply:probably both...

if she keeps on doing it, get 7 of your friends, and video tape you guys beating her up..

Reply:in my opinion, she%26#039;s trying her hardest to get what you want away from you. id say just fight back
Reply:Concentrate on your studies
